The Effect of Age in the Shape of the Spermatozoa Frozen Friesian Bulls
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This study was aimed to determine whether there are any differences in the shape and dimensions of bulls sperm using different ages, as well as to know the maturity of the sperm, then choose the bull for insemination or to freeze the taken semen to be used in artificial insemination. Now a day become morphology shape for sperm important item in the valuation of the semen and chose the best normal sperm whence dimension and shape. Methods were used and bulls were classified by age into three groups, the first group includes 4 bulls aged 2-4 years, the second group includes 4 bulls 4-6 years old, the third group includes 4 bulls 6-8 years old. Semen of each group was taken randomly and the mature and intact semen were examined. The results were revealed that the highest value of head’s length (6-8 years category) was (8.20), while for 4-2 years category was the least (7.81). For the width, the third category was recorded the highest (4.51) along with the other. The Ellipticity inducts that 4-2 years group was the highest value (1.85), while for elongation character the 2-4 years group was the highest with (0.3) compared with the other.
It can be concluded our study in the current to the next score whenever the bull offers in the form of life has become the best sperm beltala can choose sperm in the freezer.